Multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA and protein imaging
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH and HCR™ Gold IF kits enable a unified approach to multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (RNA-FISH) and immunofluorescence (IF)

Simple Robust Protocols
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH/IF protocols are simple, robust, and enzyme-free, requiring only 3 stages (probe binding to protein targets, probe hybridization to RNA targets, amplification) independent of the number of RNA and protein targets

Straightforward Multiplexing
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH/IF enables straightforward multiplexing using 1-step quantitative signal amplification for all RNA and protein targets simultaneously.
Any organism across the tree of life
Free custom probe design for any target mRNA in any organism. For protein targets, plug-and-play using your own unmodified 1º antibodies of choice in combination with validated HCR™ 2º Antibody Probes.

Simultaneous Quantitative High-Resolution RNA and Protein Imaging
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH/IF enables RNA and protein relative quantitation with subcellular resolution in the anatomical context of highly autofluorescent samples.
1-step quantitative HCR™ Gold signal amplification for 10 target RNAs and proteins simultaneously
RNA and protein relative quantitation with subcellular resolution in the anatomical context of highly autofluorescent samples